
“FOMO Fear of missing out” collection, is a series of abstract and artworks based the overwhelming anxious times we are living right now.
FOMO explores the unlimited  dimensions of today's digitalised world connections and visual information flow humans constantly receive. With so much going on, how can one distinguish clutter from valuable assets? It's estimated that the average adult  makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day. And if the choice is A, how not to overthink if B wasn’t better? How to define our criteria in a mixed,  quick access-to-all world?
The collection invites you to reflect on choices: how and why you make them.
studio view - April 2018

Commission your FOMO painting!


You like the FOMO series but can’t find the one that fits your space? Ask for a private commission.

I will customize the size and the rhythm that most adapts to your space - from small canvases to up to 3m paintings.

Get in touch and I will offer you a quotation!